Europe Emall Lists


Download B2C Email Lists UK – 305,652 emails for email marketing.
This UK email database includes only emails from all cities and states of UK
There are no duplicates, no syntax error in the email database
Email list contains records in MS Excel (.xlsx) format.


Download Belgium Business Email List for marketing
Belgium Business Email database includes; Business Name, Contact Name, Email Address, City, State, Country.
Database is fresh and updated with low bounce rate.
Email list contains records in MS Excel (.xlsx) format.


Our database emails are opt-in (Email list we provide is having permission from recipients to receive newsletter or advertisements).
Czech consumer database includes; Contact Name, Email Address, Phone, City, Country.
Database is fresh and updated with less than 5% bounce rate.
Email list contains records in MS Excel (.xlsx) format


Leads include name, email, city, category & more…
No duplicates, no syntax error
Denmark Email List is 90% accurate
Get your own Email Marketing Automation System to send bulk emails.
Can’t find a database you need? Contact us


Download France Business Email List (Updated 2022)

Our database emails are opt-in (Email list we provide is having permission from recipients to receive newsletter or advertisements).
France business database includes; Business Name, Contact name, Email address, Phone, City, State and Country.
Database contains businesses from all cities and states in France
Our France business email database is constantly updated.
Database is verified with less than 5% bounce rate.
No duplicates, no syntax error
Email list contains records in MS Excel (.xlsx) format.


Download France Business Email List (Updated 2022)

Our database emails are opt-in (Email list we provide is having permission from recipients to receive newsletter or advertisements).
France business database includes; Business Name, Contact name, Email address, Phone, City, State and Country.
Database contains businesses from all cities and states in France
Our France business email database is constantly updated.
Database is verified with less than 5% bounce rate.
No duplicates, no syntax error
Email list contains records in MS Excel (.xlsx) format.


The Biggest Germany Email Databases on internet
Emails have,,, gmail,,, and many other email providers
Email Database includes emails of individuals, businessmen, professionals and people of Germany.
Database includes only Emails of Male and Female from all Towns and Cities of Germany.


Instantly download Germany Email Database for marketing
Our Germany Email List includes Contact name, Email, City, State
Our Database is updated in 2022 with no duplicates and no syntax errors
Database is updated and low bounce rate.
Email list contains records in MS Excel (.xlsx) format.


Email Database includes Business Leads from all towns and cities of Germany.
Email Leads are fresh and updated with no duplicates and no syntax error
Major business categories includes Real estate, automobile, travel and tourism, electronics, fashion, doctors, engineers, construction contractors, plumbers, school, colleges and many other industries.
Get 100 Million Germany Consumer Email List

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